Just Arrived: Two Poetry Collections & A Novel
This week has been a little bit of a poetry week. Being part of the international Tuesday Poem Blog, I always have my Tuesday Poem, but on Monday I was reading broadsheet 7: new new zealand poetry, while on Thursday I featured poet Nancy Mattson, who has just had four poems published in Cardinal Points Literary Journal.
Perhaps not surprisingly under the circumstances, I also have two new poetry collections on my “Just Arrived” table. 🙂
The first, which is genuinely new out, is Barbara Strang’s
The second, My Iron Spine, (Headworx 2008) is the second collection of poetry from my fellow Tuesday poet, Helen Rickerby. As those of you who follow “… Anything, Really”—and the poetry side in particular—will know, I am a great admirer of Helen’s poetry so somewhat embarrassed that it has taken me this long to get a copy onto the “Just Arrived” table.
But far better late than never and I am very much looking forward to reading both collections and sharing at least one favourite from each as a future Tuesday Poem selection—with the agreement of the poet, of course!
And as those of you who follow “… Anything, Really”—and the SFF side in particular 😉 —may have picked up, as a non-attending member of Renovation (the World Science Fiction Convention 2011) I am also planning on reading and blogging on the Hugo Award nominees again this year. (You may recall that last year I posted a series on the HarperVoyager US blog, starting with The Hugo Awards: the Reading Has Begun.)
On May 16 I was lucky enough to have NK Jemisin’s The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and Mira Grant’s Feed , both of which are Hugo Award 2011 finalists for Best Novel, arrive on my To Be Read (TBR) table—and today it was Connie Willis’s Blackout, also a Best Novel finalist.
I will give you a little advance warning of when the Hugo post series will begin—likely in early July—but I will also post reports on each of the novels here as I complete them.