It’s Friday!
It’s Friday—and what I’ve been doing this week is not very much at all. This is not because I am on holiday after completing The Gathering of the Lost, but because—as is so often the way after one has been really busy for a long time—as soon as I stopped I promptly succumbed to the nearest wandering ailment and so have been comfined to my authorial couch all this week, muffled in wraps and comforters, and imbibing various herbal and lemon-infused beverages, as well as knocking back aspirin at the minimum prescribed intervals.
The cat, needless to say, thinks it’s just great—he gets to hang out in the room where the heater stays on all day. And when you’re a cat in your 19th year, I suspect this counts as fairly close to bliss!:)
I haven’t quite summoned the energy yet for those Hugo Awards reading reports—although I promise you that they are coming!—but rather I’ve been sneakily doing some fun reading of something I really enjoy: graphic novels. In this case, catching up with the latest instalments of Girl Genius Online, which I’d gotten a bit behind on while finishing Gathering, and starting the latest in the Angel series: Illyria, Haunted.
For those of you who don’t know, the Buffy and Angel graphic novel series have continued on from where the tv series left off. In the case of the Buffy series (officially ‘Season Eight’) I haven’t been able to really get into it—although I do keep trying because it’s, you know, Buffy!—but I have really enjoyed most of the Angel instalments. I just think the stories are more coherent and more fun, and what they’re doing with the characters a whole heap more interesting—which is pretty much exactly the opposite of what I felt about the tv series.
And Illyria is one of my favourite characters so I’m really enjoying my first Illyria-centred adventure. And yes, I was one of those fans who really hoped there’d be a Spike/Illyria spin-off tv series … (Sigh.) But in fact this graphic novel series is pretty durned good anyway, so there is still Whedon-verse happiness to be had. 😉
So how about you? What would you read, if you were confined to your couch for a week? And if it was a graphic novel, which one would you go for?
I have been reading some graphic novels lately! Cal McDonald Mysteries are a riot. It is a pulp style novel and freaking hilarious. Cal hunts down monsters with his sidekick Mo, a ghoul. It is kind of like Buffy, but Cal is way more screwed up and crude .
I also have started Richelle Mead’s Dark Swan comic. Very good. Then there is the manga…Godchild, Vampire Knights, Trinity Blood…could go on and on
Thanks for the recommendations, Sharon. I shall definitely check some of these out, especially if they’re online. Another Online favourite of mine is Schlock Mercenary—“When the going gets tough, the Toughs call for close air support.” I particularly like ‘The Longshoreman of the Apocalypse’ sequence, it was my second choice to win the Hugo for Best Graphic Novel behind Girl Genius. But I have loved graphic novels ever since I found a few dog-eared copies of “The Trigon Empire”—all out of sequence of course—in a box at the back of the school library!
I’ve been reading FANTASTIC FOUR Essentials Vol. 6, which features the bulk of the early-70s run of the great John Buscema on art duties. When Jack Kirby left Marvel in 1970, Buscema was tapped by Stan Lee to fill Jack’s god-sized shoes. Afterall, this was the guy who helped Lee invent Marvel Comics. Well, Buscema was already something of a legend for his late-60s work on AVENGERS, and now he came in to take over TWO monthly titles that Kirby had been drawing for ten years–FF and THOR. So I’ve been savoring every exquisite panel of Buscema’s amazing stories (as inked by the great Joe Sinott).
As for all-time high recommendations of graphic novels, I can’t recommend highly enough THE METABARONS series from Humanoids. It’s the English translation of a French comic series by Alejandro Jodorowsky and artist Juan Gimenez. Absolutely amazing….
And you can’t go wrong with anything by Frank Miller. 🙂
John. I think I may be a graphic novel dilettante compared to you, but I love Thor and also know Frank Miller’s early Batman.:) I shall check out Metabarons also–thanks for the links!
METABARONS animation promo created with images from the comic:
I couldnt even predict what I would read.
And sometimes you don’t feel like reading at all!