Around the Traps
Busy busy with the writing of Daughter Of Blood, The Wall of Night Three right now so no big blog post today, just a few interesting snippets from around the traps:
“Love, Crystal and Stone”
First up, my fellow BookSworn author, Teresa Frohock, has an exclusive excerpt of her story, Love, Crystal and Stone, on the Fantasy Book Critic website. Love, Crystal and Stone is Teresa’s contribution to the Neverlands anthology edited by Rebecca Lovatt and Roger Bellini – there’s also a blurb about the anthology, including the other authos and stories in it, if you follow this link :
Neverlands Library — & Love, Crystal and Stone by Teresa Frohock
Paul Weimer reviews another fellow BookSworn author, Anne Lyle’s novel Merchant Of Dreams on SF Signal:
AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The Merchant of Dreams by Anne Lyle
Btw, Anne’s first novel, The Alchemist of Souls is a finalist for the British Fantasy Society’s Sydney J Bounds’ Award for Best Newcomer this year, to be announced at this year’s World Fantasy Convention in Brighton, at the end of this month.
Neil Gaiman On Libraries and Children Reading
— when delivering the second annual Reading Agency lecture (14th October) at the Barbican Centre in London. Article via The Bookseller.
Why do I feature this link, other than the whole Neil Gaiman Is Awesome syndrome — because I personally feel that closing libraries, in an age when governments and just about everyone else blethers on about the important of high levels of literacy for the so-called knowledge economy, is a Giant Leap Backwards for Humankind.
And if you missed it Monday, I’ve asked the question ” What Makes for ‘The New’ in Epic Fantasy?” and would love you to join in the conversation. Just click on:
What Makes for ‘The New’ in Epic Fantasy?