Still Copyediting … & A Monday Morning Reflection
In lieu of more weighty Monday morning reflections, here’s one copyedit-derived reason for thinking that those who maintain that one should ‘write what you know’ may just — er — know a thing or two…
After all, if one only wrote what one knew thoroughly, think how much less research would have to be undertaken when embarking on a writing project. It would certainly reduce — or if one really got the “write what you know” thing down, possibly eliminate altogether — the need to painstakingly check facts in areas so diverse as medicine, military manoeuvres, and animal behaviour, to name a few that are currently on my copyedit plate …
Notwithstanding, as one innocent inquirer said not long ago, “But I thought you wrote fantasy-fiction. Can’t you just make everything up however you want, or say it’s magic, or something.”
If only, indeed … 😉