It’s Really “Not” That Long Now — So How About A Character Refresher?
Revealing the US cover for Daughter Of Blood this week, and the UK cover just a few weeks ago made it all seem that little bit more real that the publication date in late January 2016 is now less than six months away.
In a glass half empty but also half full kind of way, that both feels like a wait still, but will also fleet by remarkably quickly.
So I thought it might be time to think about a character refresher for The Wall Of Night series, starting next Thursday and reintroducing the characters, first from The Heir of Night and then The Gathering Of The Lost — very much as I did for A Geography Of Haarth with worldbuilding, over the course of 2013 and much of 2015.
(And I’m looking forward to building on the Geography once Daughter Of Blood is ‘oot that’ in the world—or the wild, as the case may be. 😉 )
But as discussed with Paul Weimer on Twitter, I don’t think I shall start with the main point-of-view characters.
I shall focus instead on some of the less centre-stage players to begin with, because:
“Sometimes I think it’s the presence of the smaller characters that “makes” a #story, creating texture around the main points of view.”
So I hope you will drop by next week, either to reacquaint yourself with some old friends or to meet some new ones for the very first time. 🙂