Tis The Friday Of Linkage Love: To SF Signal, Supernatural Underground & More…
Step up, step right up, it’s all happening around t’interwebs today, folks…
… first off, or up, I’m delighted to have had the honour of welcoming fellow Fantasy author, multi-award nominee, Stina Leicht, to the Supernatural Underground community. To read all about Stina and her new “Flintlock Fantasy” novel, Cold Iron, click on:
Introducing Stina Leicht
You may also recall that I read Stina’s Of Blood and Honey way back in 2013:
“Of Blood & Honey”
While on SF Signal it’s time for more “Fantasy Heroines” series with post #7 — featuring Ista from Lois McMaster Bujold’s Paladin Of Souls.
To find out why she rocks my world, click on:
Helen Lowe On Fantasy Heroines That Rock Her World: Ista
But wait there’s more — on SF Signal again!
I was so excited to see my friend Charlotte Kieft’s short story Chiaroscuro featured there, in the Table Of Contents for the forthcoming anthology The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2014 edited by Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene.
The whole lineup looks quite wonderful in fact, so do go there an check it out for yourself!
And congratulations, Charlotte—a wonderful achievement!
Thanks so much, Helen 🙂 Am delighted to have my story selected for this anthology!
Nice to see your name in lights.:)