The Quest For the Holy Grail…
…the perfect orange cake, that is.
Yup, I’ve decided that I need to hunt down the “perfect” orange cake recipe.
And that means I have to find the contending recipes and bake ’em all until I find the best.
I started yesterday with this little beauty, the Orange & Almond Syrup Cake from (The Best Of…) Annabel Langbein‘s Great Food For Busy Lives.
I have to say, it tastes pretty durned good–but is it the best and greatest, i.e Orange Cake Optimus Maximus?
Only the great orange cake recipe trial will let us know for sure—and even then, there’s going to be an element of personal taste/preference at play, I feel sure…
Now, here’s that Orange & Almond Syrup Cake again. 😉
Yum! Looks delicious.
And so it proved—and even better on the second day, as is often the way with syrup cakes.
I have never heard of orange cake … looks very tasty! I will have to be on the lookout, or maybe just bake a few myself.
They are very tasty–& usually shores-of-the-Mediterranean in origin, so oranges, ground almonds, semolina and various combinations thereof frequently feature, although not necessarily altogether in every cake. Anyway, I am not 100% sure about permissions and posting the recipes, but I am checking that aspect out. 🙂
I have 2 of Annabel Langbein’s cook books myself, but not that one.
I have tried some of the recipes and have been very satisfied with the results, including sweets and desserts, but not orange cakes.
This is the only book I have — a gift from my chef brother, some few years ago now! –but it is very good. I have also garnered Annabel Langbein recipes via Cuisine & Life & Leisure over the years and they’re always very reliable. But will this one prove “the best”? Now there’s the question I must answer through my quest. 😉