It’s Publication Week For “Daughter Of Blood”—Here’s What’s Happening
Actual Publication Day is 26 January in the US and UK, so ‘effectively’ that means Tuesday night here in New Zealand, but “in reality” our Wednesday.
And in fact the 27th is official publication day here in NZ and also in Australia.
So here’s what’s happening (da-DAH-dum):
Publication Day Events Here
On Tuesday, I’ll kick off the AU/NZ 26th with a feature on The Major Wall Of Night Series’ Characters You Can (Definitely) Expect To Meet Again In Daughter Of Blood.
The official, Publication Day celebratory post will go up Tuesday evening when the clock ticks over into the 26th in the US and will remain featured on the blog throughout Wednesday 27 (that being AU/NZ Publication Day.)
Celebrations will include a book giveaway (fully international) and the Tuckerization draw previewed here on Friday. Basically everyone who comments on the celebration blog post throughout the 26th/27th will be entered in a draw to give their name to a character in The Chaos Gate, the fourth and final novel in The Wall of Night series. Details of the draw and conditions of entry will be set out in the post.
Regardless, I hope lots of you will drop by — your presence will definitely give publication day the “crown of good company.” 🙂
In a headsup for the rest of the week, I’ll be unveiling Daughter of Blood’s Tuckerization character on Thursday 28, so I hope you’ll stop by again for that. The winner of the Publication Day giveaways and Tuckerization draw will post on Friday 29.
Publication Day Events Otherwhere:
Correction(s): Sharon advises me that she will be running our interview on Tuesday 26 (US, EST), not Monday 25 — my bad, and apologies to Sharon & the ismellsheep flock. I have also altered the below to reflect that only 1 book is being given away: The Heir of Night. Again, the prior error is entirely “my bad.” :-/
On Monday 25 (US Eastern Standard Time) I will be interviewed by the wonderful Sharon Stogner on genre site ismellsheep, where she will be giving away a copy of The Heir of Night (to US readers only, though, I’m sorry.)
On Tuesday 26 (US Central time) I will:
— have a guest post on SF Signal, on Writing Heroines In Daughter Of Blood and The Wall of Night series
— be doing an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit Fantasy with Steve Drew and all the crew there — so do drop by and “ask me something.” 😉
I also have a guest post scheduled for but am unsure of exact timing on that one, aka “Watch This Space” — or more accurately,’s space. 😉
On Thursday 27 (US, EST) I will be interviewed on speculative fiction book blog The Qwillery for the first time — I’m looking forward to it.
And I’ll definitely be tweeting all these events, so if you’re on Twitter, watch my feed.
There are more guest spots coming up after that, but I’ll announce them closer to the time they arise.
So, deep breath: not quite “there” at last, but almost …
I think we should have some fun with this—waddya reckon? 😉
I was wondering about the cover art for the UK version- she appears to be left-handed for this book, but for the previous books she’s right-handed.
Hi Josephine,
To be honest I “hadn’t” picked up on that, so didn’t include it in my feedback to Orbit (UK publisher.) However, cover design is in the purvue of the publisher’s Art department and I know when I ‘did’ pick up on exactly the same element with Thornspell’s cover, the publisher felt it was probably OK as artistic license, especially to get the overall “feel” of the cover right.
Perhaps like you, I probably err more on the side of keeping such details consistent—but you now have me trying to think: have I ever actually said whether Malian is right or left handed? And given what a generally tricky sort of person she can be, I certainly wouldn’t put it past her to have put her Shadow Band years to good use and worked on being ambidextrous. 😉 What do you think?
Malian being ambidextrous is very plausible imo.
I don’t “think” it’s been ruled out in the story, either…