A Geography Of Haarth: Ij (Updated)
The A Geography of Haarth post series explores the full range of locales and places from The Wall Of Night world of Haarth.
From January 25, 2013 to November 25, 2014, the posts traversed locations encountered in The Heir Of Night and The Gathering Of The Lost.
Now the series has returned to gazette the geography of Daughter Of Blood (The Wall Of Night Book Three.) The new series comprises updates of previous entries as well as new listings.
Ij: the Golden, the greatest city of the River, built on the delta between the river Ijir and the sea
“And after that? Malian wondered. But she said nothing, just slipped off the bed and walked over to look at the map, turning the tabletop beneath her hand. She murmured the names under her breath: Ij, Terebanth, the Winter Country; Emer, Jhaine, and Ishnapur. “After Ishnapur, what?” she asked Haimyr.”
~ The Heir Of Night: The Wall of Night Book One; Chapter 23 — Throw Of The Dice
“Spring came to the River in a flurry of blustering winds and driving rain that turned the local roads into quagmires and hurled the first fragile blossoms to the ground. Two heralds were blown out of the city of Terebanth with the weather and turned east toward Ij, following the great Main Road that had endured since the days of the Old Empire.”
~ from © The Gathering Of The Lost: The Wall of Night Book Two; Chapter 1 — The Road To Ij
“Kalan’s dream was of a brisk blue-and-white morning in the great seaport of Ij, with the city’s domes and spires gleaming against a bright sky. In his dream, the Aralorni ship Halcyon’s gangway thumped onto a wharf and the heralds’ great gray horses clattered down the tarred planks. Kalan would be leaving with the Halcyon again on the afternoon tide, but he followed the horses onto the dock to bid the heralds farewell. Inside his dream, he knew this was all as it had been: the smell of tar and salt, the cries of seabirds and the voices of sailors, dock workers, and clerks from the Ijiri trading houses all raised about their own business…”
~ from © Daughter Of Blood: The Wall of Night Book Three, Chapter 5 — Blood Warrior