This Month On Supernatural Underground: Year of Romance in Fantasy #6 — Friends and Lovers in Maggie Stiefvater’s “The Raven Boys”
Over on Supernatural Underground, I clicked over into August with another Year of Romance (#YoR) in Fantasy Fiction (#RIFF) post—this month featuring Maggie Stiefvater’s The Raven Boys quartet.
(Although strictly speaking, the post focuses chiefly on Book #1, the titular The Raven Boys, and #2 The Dream Thieves.)
The theme of the post, and a major aspect of the books, is “friends and lovers”, i.e. when love and pairing off occurs within a group of friends.
Keen to find out more? Then head on over to read by clicking on:
Romance in Fantasy Fiction: Friends and Lovers, Maggie Stiefvater’s The Raven Boys-style
I’ve also begun listing the accumulated posts in the #YoR #RIFF series. You’ll find the links at the end of the current post. 😀