On Supernatural Underground Now: Worldbuilding in Fantasy #10 – A Wealth Of Fabulous Worlds
Yep, it’s November 1 – and the end of the year is rushing my way; yours, too, I bet!
Anyway, realizing that this is my penultimate Worldbuilding in Fantasy post on the Supernatural Underground, I decided to have a quick look at several authors and worlds that have wowed me, deep in my reading past as well as in more recent times.
Although that’s still a far from comprehensive list, I hope you’ll still find something to like.
Something for the long winter nights for those settling down by the home fires – or to take away for the summer break for others in this hemisphere who’re thinking that far ahead. 😉
(I’m not sure I am — tis all whooshing by a bit too fast for this author gal! 😏)
But to check out those worlds, here’s the link:
Worldbuilding in Fantasy #10 — A Wealth of Fabulous Worlds