Announcing “The Wall of Night” Wiki!
And here it is, as promised last Thursday — an introduction to The Wall Of Night wiki, brought to you by Nicolas Fitzgerald. So without further ado, I’m handing over to Nick. 😀
Announcing “The Wall of Night” Wiki
Dear fans,
I call for aid! A wiki has been found but it has fallen into disuse. Sliding almost out of time and memory until, by chance, it was found. A new age for The Wall of Night Wiki dawns, but it requires many hands to build, else all may be lost again.
While Googling ‘Yorindesarinen’ to check the spelling before including the star-bright hero in a Tweet, I discovered a fledgling wiki dedicated to the Wall series. However, the brave soul who created it had not edited it in so long that it was scheduled to be deleted. And so, I undertook the daunting task of updating the wiki and adding more content. In time, and after proving myself worthy (by editing the wiki regularly for thirty days), I was granted admin rights to continue in the glorious footsteps of that visionary who first created the wiki.
The first task was designing an attractive colour scheme for the wiki. Once this was accomplished, it was further enhanced with beautiful Wall of Night artwork from the esteemed PJ Fitzpatrick, book covers and more. Typos and other errors have also been corrected along the way. But now the call is going out for fellow fans to join in this great working! The wiki needs more lore, characters, locations and many other things besides. Helen’s world of Haarth is deep and rich and it deserves a wiki of equal depth!
Fandom wikis are free and open to all to edit and collaboratively create! If you don’t know where to start, feel free to message me on my Fandom profile message wall and I’ll be happy to help you get started. Or look for a red link that indicates the page doesn’t exist but should. Click the link and start writing! If you need a template I can show you how to use them or add one later after an initial paragraph. The more fans we have adding to the wiki the faster it can grow!
~ Nicolas Fitzgerald

The House of Night Wiki Page

Nicolas Fitzgerald
About Nicolas:
Kia ora, New Zealand fantasy reader and writer, Nicolas FitzGerald, here. Long time fantasy fan, and more recently, an aspiring fantasy writer—lots of aspiring and much less of the writing. I’ve loved fantasy since first being read The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and many other stories, as a child. The Wall of Night series fascinates me and I reread the books often. You can find me on Substack, Twitter or my website in addition to the Fandom account above.
A Note From Helen 🙂
Although I didn’t know The Wall Of Night series had a wiki, I love that there’s now another place, in addition to FB Group Haarth, where readers who grok the series can share that love — and I’m very excited to see how it evolves now Nick has so very kindly breathed some life back into it.:-)
So if this is, or may be, your thing, then do get in touch with Nick via the message wall, as above — the most direct and fastest method! 😉 Otherwise you can also email me via contact[at]helenlowe[dot]info and I’ll pass it on.
Thanks for the opportunity to share the wiki, Helen! I love the Wall series and it is a pleasure to work on the wiki. I’m loving delving back into the books to check details for wiki content. It’s made me realise just how deep the books are. The history, lore, breadth of characters etc is almost overwhelming—but in a good way! It will keep me going for years to come! Having said that I would love to see more fans getting involved!
You’re really capturing the depth of Helen’s world as well as the dark epic feel, Nick. Kudos.
Thanks Megan! It’s been a lot of fun! I have tried hard to get the theming to match the feel of the books and I’m heartened to hear I have succeeded!