A Grand Finale of Villainy on Supernatural Underground: Villain #2
On Monday, I posted all about the Grand Finale to my Year of Villainy in Fantasy, happening now on Supernatural Underground.
I also gave a shoutout for #1 in the Grand Finale’s series of feature posts:
Rhiannon in Curse of Shadows by AK Wilder
Now it’s time for our second villain-antagonist*:
Spencer Haverty in Diaries of An Urban Panther by Amanda Arista
My post, with a villain from The Wall Of Night, will be next up on December 6. So now I have to pick one. The only question is, which among the different classes of villain, discussed on November 1, will I choose… Watch this space.:)
* This is m'own little in-joke on Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash where the hero is, er, Hiro Protagonist...