Great Leaders in Speculative Fiction — New for 2025 on Supernatural Underground
Made it! The switch from posting on the first day to the second of the month on Supernatural Underground, that is — and with a post theme for 2025.
As the title indicates, it’s Great Leaders — and by implication, leadership — in Speculative Fiction, subtitled Where to Find ‘Em and Why They Rock.

There’s the classics — but I’m not starting here…
The ‘locale’ part being the particular book or series where the said leader lurks, and the ‘Why They Rock’ the raison d’etre of the posts. π Both in terms of featuring some great leaders among Spec Fic’s pantheon and exploring the qualities that make them great.
And I’m going for ‘speculative fiction’ this time, not just fantasy, the better to include scifi in the mix. Let’s see how things go — but the first leader off the blocks is definitely fantasy.

Not starting here either… π
Wanna know more? Then you know the drill — click on the link below, rock on over, and read. π