SF Signal Mind Meld: “Great Genre Reads For Teenage Girls”
The last stop on the Blog Tour is still “Building Fantastic Worlds: ‘It’s a Mystery,'” my guest post on Kate Elliott’s I Make Up Worlds blog. There are some great comments and a joint Helen Lowe/Kate Elliott book giveaway happening so be sure to head on over and check it out here. 😉
It’s not quite all over yet though, because right now I’m participating in another Mind Meld on SF Signal. Titled “Great Genre Reads for Teenage Girls,” the specific topic is: “What genre books would you recommend to young teenage girls that read at an advanced level?”
What indeed? Fellow authors Mari Ness, Juliet Marillier and Stina Leicht join me in addressing the topic and there are some very interesting books on our respective lists.
My contribution begins as follows:
“In terms of looking at books I would personally recommend to young teenage girls (i. e. 13-15) that read at an advanced level, I am going to be swayed by the kind of books I liked at a similar age. (I was also one of those advanced readers.) I also intend using similar selection criteria, the primary one being: is it a good story that will entertain while having some ‘meat’ on it in terms of use of language and the intellectual and emotional ‘grunt’ of the story being told. (At that age, I never picked up a book because I read the back cover blurb and thought: “oh my, this seems worthy.” I always started reading because I thought: “this sounds like a really interesting story.”)