Speaking for the Trees: Update 1
Last Sunday I posted about “speaking for the trees” and the Give A Little that I’m currently supporting:
Saving Christchurch Heritage and Notable Trees
This morning, another Christchurch person, forester Mark Belton, appeared on National (public) radio where he spoke eloquently to the situation that Christchurch is currently facing with the potential delisting of 80% of its Heritage and Notable trees. To listen, click on:
Mark Belton — Saving Christchurch’s Trees
There is a full range of listening and download options available, here.
For more information, please check out last week’s post:
It’s Book Release Week and That’s Important — But So Is Speaking For The Trees
Or watch the video on the Give A Little page — and if you feel able, give as generously as you can afford:
Give A Little: Help Us Save Christchurch’s Heritage and Notable Trees
Also, just this: thank you.