Meet The Trees — Some of Christchurch’s Most Significant Trees Still Really Need Your Help
We Still Really Need Your Help: Give A Little — & Help Us Save Christchurch’s Heritage and Notable Trees
And there’s just 5 days to go! 🙁
The Council may be back-peddling on some trees, but despite what media reports might suggest, the battle to get Christchurch’s most significant Heritage and Notable trees relisted — and protected — through the City Plan is far from over.
That’s because although the City may have originally proposed this and now reconsidered — although only on some trees — the Council’s not the body making the final decision. That will be up to the Independent Hearing Panel — and what the Panel listens to is expert evidence and legal argument.
Which is why it is so vital we can raise the money that will allow us to keep providing the expert evidence and making the legal case for Christchurch’s most significant trees. Donations are being collected through the Civic Trust, a properly constituted charitable agency — which also means that donations are tax deductible. (Just sayin’.)
And Now — Meet The Trees!
On the Give A Little site, the team have started posting updates that introduce you to some of the most significant trees that still face losing their current protected status. I hope you enjoy meeting them — and will consider if you can either give a little, or give a little more, to keep fighting their corner.
Meet the Yaldhurst Gum:
“…a tree that used to be on Council’s website as an example of one of Christchurch’s most significant trees … and is of particular genetic interest …”
To find out more, click on:
Saving Christchurch’s Heritage and Notable Trees
Then go to “Updates”. There’s a great photo, too!
Next Tree Up: the Burnside cabbage trees — watch this space!