Tuesday Poetry: “Breathing You In” by David Gregory
Breathing You In
From up here it looked
as if the harbour’s lungs inhaled
the fog in through the headlands;
light as breathing, concrete coloured,
it set in for the day, giving us each a bubble vision
containing what little we know,
and out beyond the garden’s edge;
all life arrested.
There was a fog of the familiar
such that I could not see
all of the changes underway
between you and me.
But then the sun splashed down,
rinsing the hills, draining the fog to seaward.
Across the water, your house was sun-washed.
I thought I might see you there again,
the last of the mist upon your lashes,
each tiny world a globe
in which anything is possible.
© David Gregory, September 2014
Featured on “…Anything, Really” with permission.
Recently, I have been featuring poems that are themed around the sea, at least in a broad sense.
I featured this poem on the Tuesday Poem Blog in early 2015, but I love it so much that I asked David if I could re-feature it here, and he very kindly agreed. Why do I love it — because the language is beautiful and evocative, the ‘story’ of the poem subtle, and as I said in 2015: “this is also the poetry of alchemy, where the everyday is transmuted into a more transcendant experience. “
To read the rest of what I had to say in 2015, click on:
Tuesday Poem Hub: Breathing You In
However, I have to say that what I think matters is the poem and that more than speaks for itself.
About The Poet:
David Gregory has had three books published in New Zealand, Always Arriving and Frame of Mind, both by Sudden Valley Press and Push by Black Doris Press. His poetry has appeared in a goodly number of publications and anthologies and he has performed his work here and in the UK. He is an active member of the Canterbury Poets Collective, which organises regular readings, designed to give new writers a performance platform and to expose them to good poets in the form of guest readers. David has been involved with this for over 15 years. He has also been involved in an editorial capacity with the production of over 30 high quality titles for Voice Prints and Sudden Valley Press.