A Geography Of Haarth: Gate Of Dreams (Updated)
The A Geography of Haarth post series explores the full range of locales and places from The Wall Of Night world of Haarth—including those that exist in the psychic and supernatural realms.
From January 25, 2013 to November 25, 2014, the posts traversed locations encountered in The Heir Of Night and The Gathering Of The Lost.
Now the series returns to gazette the geography of Daughter Of Blood (The Wall Of Night Book Three.) The new series comprises updates of previous entries as well as new listings.
Gate of Dreams: a supernatural realm that manifests between the planes of physical existence
“He stood on a path surrounded by banks of fog that stretched between the stark trunks and branching black of a great forest. The Gate of Dreams, Kalan thought— except that this forest seemed vaster, wilder, and infinitely older than the wood that surrounded Yorindesarinen’s fire. “
~ © The Heir Of Night: The Wall of Night Book One, Chapter 19 — The Huntmaster
“It’s a portal, she thought, another pathway beyond the Gate of Dreams. The medallion beneath her shirt glowed, answering the moon and creating a golden nimbus with Malian at its center. The border realm between moonglow and dark water flickered and her breath quickened as visions spun into being around her.“
~ from © The Gathering Of The Lost: The Wall of Night Book Two, Chapter 44 — The Path of Earth and Moon
‘Despite forming this resolution, it was near dawn before Kalan fell into a light uneasy sleep—and swift as a dam breaking, the white mists of the Gate of Dreams flooded into his mind. The hounds he had been hearing more frequently since leaving Emer were silent, but a woman spoke in Derai, her intonation exasperated. “I’ll be glad when we’re done with this nursemaiding detail.”
~ from © Daughter Of Blood: The Wall of Night Book Three, Chapter 9 — Sepulchre