A Traveller’s Guide To Haarth #2: Twelve-Sided Room — Warning! Misplaced Archive!
To: Office of the Grand Comptroller, I&CVT Central Records
From: Archive Assistant 4th Grade, 42Quil: Branch Library 727
Interstitial Date: [Error_Message: Interstitial date corrupted in message transfer.]
Subject: Warning! Misplaced Archive for Location: Twelve-Sided Room; Destination World, Haarth
Interstitial Date [Error_Message: Interstitial date corrupted in message transfer]: The Ultimate Secretariat of the Celestial Board of the Interplane & Cross-Void Travel Agency (I&CVT) resolved to update the Agency’s extremely popular Unknown Worlds guidebook series. Among the worlds scheduled for update, Haarth has long fallen into the Least Known class of I&CVT’s Unknown category.
The Ultimate Secretariat Directive of _[Error_Message: Interstitial date corrupted in message transfer]_ giving effect to the Celestial Board’s resolve, expresses certitude that the Haarth entry can be satisfactorily updated by a review of existing archival records. The Directive explicitly states that the expense of dispatching an agent-at-large to complete an on-world familiarization is unnecessary, given access challenges and Haarth’s questionable reputation, and should not be undertaken.
The honour of retrieving, reviewing, and compiling the archival record for Haarth was assigned to Branch Library 727, given its location at the interstitial node providing the most direct access (assuming challenges allow) to destination world Haarth.
Progress Report:
Work was initiated promptly and proceeded smoothly, consistent with Branch Library 727’s immaculate reputation, resulting in Guide Entry #1: The Tower of the Rose being completed early.
We regret to advise, however, that obstacles have arisen with respect to Guide Entry #2, the so-called “Twelve-Sided Room.” All archive retrieval requests were consistently denied and a retrieval mission led by Archive Assistant First Grade 33Slate failed to return. The subsequent Archive Search and Rescue headed by Archive Librarian 17Tome failed to locate any members of the retrieval mission but were able to confirm that all archival records relating to the Twelve-Sided Room have vanished from the 727 Stacks.
In addition, Archive Librarian 17Tome reports the manifestation of an anomaly in the Haarth quadrant of the Stacks, at or in immediate proximity to the coordinates for the Twelve-Sided Room. Although the Search and Rescue team judged it necessary to log their observations from a prudent distance, in order to avoid the fate of the earlier retrieval mission, all signs point to a Cross-void Disturbance. No further information is currently available and the Haarth quadrant of Stacks is now under lockdown, by Interdict of 727Branch-Librarian.
The Branch Library Collective recommends that:
1. The lockdown of Branch Library 727’s Archive, Haarth Quadrant, by Interdict of 727Branch-Librarian be ratified and confirmed by the Office of the Grand Comptroller;
2. The Office of the Grand Comptroller immediately direct a Central Records Fire Team to investigate and map the anomaly, with a further remit to remedy or mitigate any enduring adverse effects, including undertaking a Zero-Field Reset of interstitial access to the Haarth Quadrant, as required;
3. Central Records urges the Ultimate Secretariat to urgently reexamine the business case for dispatching an agent-at-large to Haarth, in order to determine the source of the anomaly, recommend on the necessity of quarantine, and determine the fate of Archive Assistant First Grade 33Slate’s mission team.
[To be recorded here by the Grand Comptroller, I&CVT Central Records.]
Transcribed Under Central Records Seal: Status: Urgent Access: Restricted Authorisation: Central Recorder, First Class, Illustrious Discretion_1 . © Helen Lowe