On Supernatural Underground: “What Makes A Hero?”#9 — Calm and Chaos
Ye-es! Finally got there — “What Makes A Hero?” (in Fantasy) #9 has posted on Supernatural Underground and this month’s theme is Calm and Chaos.
Rock on over to check out what it’s all about, but the summary version is whether a cool head or a certain degree of hotspur-to-berserker chaos is a better basis for a fantasy hero. Although there may be a few wrinkles in the mix…
Just click on the link to “read all about it!”
What Makes A Hero #9 — Calm and Chaos

Here’s a snippet:
“…Calm or Chaos is the better starting point. In other words, a protagonist may emulate Kipling’s famous If, and keep their head “when all about … [them, others] … are losing theirs”, or hurl caution to the winds and charge headlong into the face of overwhelming odds.”

…or Calm.