On Supernatural Underground Now: The “Scooby Gang”
We all love a good “Scooby Gang”, right? Well, I do, anyway. 😀
Last month, I’ve focused on some of the seminal examples of “bands and brothers” in Fantasy literature. Although I did mention “Scooby gangs” (AKA – if only in Helen parlance – the “band of buddies”) the weighting was more toward the epic fantasy classics.
Yet as asserted in posts #1 and #2, the “Scooby gang” is equally integral to the genre, just deriving more from fairytale and folklore than the myth and heroic-legend end of the spectrum.
So this month I’m honing in on “Scooby gangs” and where we may expect to find them in the genre. YA Lit, sure, but this particular characteristic casts a wider net. Needless to say, I offer some examples. 😉
The Band of Brothers in Fantasy #3: The Scooby Gang
As always, I’d love to hear your favourites!
Also On Supernatural Underground:
You might also like to check out Kim Falconer’s post on Book Titles.
Plus, I believe Merrie Destefano will be featuring the Kickstarter for her Valiant series on April 4 (US Eastern Standard Time), which should be worth checking out.