First Public Reader Response to “The Heir of Night”
I’ve just had my first, public reader response to The Heir of Night—if you don’t count the wonderful cover quote from Robin Hobb—in this case from my fellow Tuesday Poem poet, Joanna Preston.
Joanna has posted her response to Heir on both her A Dark Feathered Art blog and also on Library Thing. Each post is a little different from the other, so you may like to check out both.
Of course, like every writer, I’m always thrilled when a reader likes my work—but in Joanna’s case she’s a pretty tough sell when it comes to the written word, so I’m doubly glad The Heir of Night cleared the bar!
Please note: I just had to add this post, but there’s also a commentary and giveway—of an Heir of Night cover flat—around the influence of landscape on creative writing that’s still running, under “Influences on Story (2)” immediately below. Because tomorrow is Tuesday Poem day (where landscapes of Mars will feature) the commentary and giveaway opportunity will run until 9 am Wednesday morning, NZ time. So do check it out and participate. 🙂
Another book out already? Haven’t seen it in the reading copies yet, but will keep an eye out –
It’s out 1 October in the States and Orbit/Hachette will being it out here some time in the 30 days after that. I know they’re racing to get the cover done now … (and of course I’m longing to see it.)