Tuesday Poem: The Sparrows
The Sparrows
I meant it to be a poem about sparrows
and how the silence that followed
the February 22nd earthquake
included their absent voices —
& not just sparrows but the starlings
and blackbirds, the finches and wax-eyes
that normally fill the day with their bustle
about the business of living …
……………………………. all fallen silent,
hidden away, or gone further to find food
since half the city was covered
in a slick of water and mud. I threw
old bread onto the island of grass
in our own grey sea and waited …
…………………………..… and waited.
And then, finally, they came
their wings clouding the sun.
© Helen Lowe, 2011
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The birds were eerie, weren’t they? Or rather, the lack of birds. It really added to the uneasy atmosphere, I think.
Yes, ‘eerie’ is a good word for that silence.
I am glad I caught that feeling in the poem …
This gave me goosebumps, Helen. I would love to make a painting prompted by the last two lines???
Claire, I would ‘love’ you to make a painting prompted by the last two lines, especially if we could manage a ‘reference’ to the poem and the earthquake sequence in any accompanying info for exhibitions etc—but I will email you more offline.:)
Great, thanks Helen – and, of course, full acknowledgements would be a given. The odd thing is I’m already busy with a piece that has this atmosphere/bird-sky imagery in it. Odd how these things happen because I only got to read your poem this afternoon! We’ll talk more via e-. (am coming up to Chch for the opening of a show next Friday . . . would love it if you could come?) L, C
Claire, I agree, it’s so exciting when artistic synchronicity/serendipity occurs! And would love to attend your show—is that Friday 12?
Hi Helen – great! Thanks. . . have just read your e- and will reply this morning. Meantime, yes, the show opens on Friday 12 August. I will be heading out to Banks Peninsula that same evening, staying out there for the weekend. looking forward to a bit of rest & respite. It will be great to see you ; )