What I’m Doing: A “Daughter of Blood” Update
I think my last proper update was back on September 14, which is getting close to—but not quite—a month, Still, time for a wee update perhaps…
Although Jan protested about my “teasing” you then, so am mindful that I mustn’t do that either. 😉
So on September 14 I wrote that:
“… the characters-de-jour were Malian and Raven… Most of the last few weeks have been Kalan, but this week I returned to a Malian sequence.”
Well, I have gotten through that sequence (a “sequence” by the way is a section of the book that usually comprises “more than one” chapter and can even be a whole “part”), and even written a short “Darksworn” piece where everyone is suitably evil and enigmatic and dark—oops, was that teasing? I shall stop then, and just say, that I am now back with Kalan again and the story is really rocking along.
The finishing tape is still quite a way off in the distance, but I do love that feeling when your fingers fly over the keyboard and you know that the words are “good”, (ie they are going to stay in the manuscript and not get shunted off into the siding of “may-become-a-short-story-or-novella-one-day-but-doesn’t-quite-belong-in-this-book”) and you’re loving how the characters and the story are developing. Because I can’t help feeling there may be good hope that if the author is enjoying writing the book then readers may also, in due course, enjoy reading it as well. 😉
Hmm, looking back at September 14, I see that I also wrote that:
“I’m thinking that I need to get some sort of “proper” Daughter of Blood “icon” (or “avatar”?) for the site so that every time I talk about the book from now on I can have a visual to go with…”
And clearly, this hasn’t happened yet—for the truly excellent reason that I have been too busy writing the book to organise it!—so you’ll just have to put up with my HEIR & GATHERING book covers for now. 😀
Good to know that the writing is going well.
Thanks, Sarah: the “rolls” are definitely nice.:)
Awesome to read that you are on the track with Daughter of Blood loved the first two, the first one Heir of Night was a chance pick up when in NZ visiting my mum and was hanging out for a good read, and I have to say Helen it was a very good read finished it in two days and went back up to Invercargill to buy the second book and thank goodness it was in the shop so took that home and read that in a couple of days, yes all nighters loved it thank you so much so have been hanging out for the Daughter of Blood.
Hi Paula,
I am so glad you love the series to date—thank you so much for taking the time to comment here and tell me so. Am very hard right now to ensure Daughter of Blood is ‘just as good’–if not even better. 😉
I was reading a teasing chapter of The Heir of night from the end of a book that I dont remember the name of now.
so after the teasing chapter i wanted more! after a a day or two i went to the library and askt if they had the book… they diden`t have it… so they brout it from abroad!
MVH Happy reader from Sweden 🙂
Hej Aron (fran Sverige!) — I am so glad that you enjoyed Heir and that your library got it in for you.:) Thank you, too, for commenting to tell me so. You will be pleased to know that the second-in-series, The Gathering Of The Lost, is also available in English and I am very close to finished writing Daughter Of Blood (WALL3.)
I was browsing around and did not readily see an expected date for this book. Do you have an estimated time frame in mind, or is it still too far to tell?
Great series! Curious to see what happens next!!
Hi Josh, My apologies, I missed your comment earlier, but seeing it reminds me that I really need to do another official update. It’s just iget buried in the writing while I’m in that mode always feel like “the book that can be spoken of is not the book.” Officially the release date is now the Northern Hemisphere autumn, 2014, and i think that will hold if I can get it finished soon–something I am working very hard to do.
I am glad you are enjoying the series, Josh: the other big part of my job, besides simply getting ‘something’ done, is doing my best to ensure you enjoy Daughter Of Blood just as much as Gathering and Heir.
I think The Wall Of Night series is amazing and waiting for the third book. I think the ending to the second book was just right.
Hey NightTrippin — so glad you’re enjoying the series, and “Book 3 is coming!” Thank you for stopping by to let me know.
I love the series and have read them a number of times. I have also bought copies for friends who also love them. I am looking forward to Daughter of Blood and will be buying numerous copies – they make great birthday presents! Thanks for all your hard work. Julie
Hi Julie — when readers give me feedback like this, I can assure you that all the hard work is absolutely a pleasure. Thank you for commenting.:)
Hi Helen,
I’m really looking forward to reading the third book. It’s sooo cool to have the author of one of the book series I love live right here in Christchurch as well. I hope the storm last this week didn’t affect you too much!
Do you need any beta readers? (Just kidding. I know you’ve got Pro’s for that. It’s just so hard to wait. 😉
I am so glad you are enjoying the series.:)
The really good news, Seb, is that “Daughter Of Blood” is almost done! And there are twists and turns, and battles and magic, and even love…