A Geography of Haarth: Aeris
Still with the letter “A”, Aeris is the second entry in my A Geography of Haarth series, featuring locales and places from The Wall of Night.
“Aeris: a city kingdom in the lands beyond the River, in the Southern Realms of Haarth.”
” “The Lost are another reason behind my journey here,” she told Kalan. “At the end of last summer, the Band received a report of strange doings in Aeris. Lightning and thunder out of a clear sky one day; on the next a stone barn caught fire and couldn’t be put out. I investigated and the Lost weren’t there—but they had been.” She watched his eyes widen.
“The Little Pass from Aeris to Emer,” he said. “They must be using that. It’s hardly more than a goat track, but passable in summer. And once in the wilds of Northern Emer they could go anywhere if they had the right guides.” “
~ from The Gathering of the Lost: The Wall of Night Book Two; Chapter 27 — Rumor and Doubt