A Geography Of Haarth: Lathayra
The A Geography of Haarth post series is traversing the full range of locales and places from The Wall of Night world of Haarth — and this week finds us still in “L.”
Lathayra: one of the Southern Realms of Haarth
“Now she rode a sturdy gray cob and called herself Heris—a name that could equally well originate on the River or in northern Emer—an itinerant scribe on a pilgrimage to all the shrines of Serrut in Emer and Aralorn. And maybe Lathayra, although the shabby scribe was undecided on that point whenever his plans were discussed. Lathayra, he had heard, was a dangerous place for those not adept with the weapons of war.
“Perilous far, too,” one farmer deep in the Ormondian hills opined.”
~ from © The Gathering Of The Lost: The Wall of Night Book Two; Chapter 53 — The Solitary Tower