The Most-Read Posts of “…On Anything Really” From 2014
Today, it’s that time of the new year — when I wrap up the Christmas-New Year break period by looking back at the 10 blog posts of 2014 you found most interesting.
In 2012 and 2013 I revealed this over 10 days with a final wrap up at the end. I’m doing things a little differently this year for two reasons: firstly, because I’ve just completed the Twelve Days of Epic Christmas, but also because the pattern of what you looked at this year falls a little differently—which I’ll explain after the ever-important List. 😉
The 10 Most-Read Posts of “…On Anything Really”, 2014:
1. Sneak Preview: A Synopsis For “Daughter Of Blood, The Wall Of Night Book Three”
2. Big Worlds On Small Screens: Rebecca Fisher Discusses “Gargoyles”
4. Literary Vs Genre, Seriously?
5. Big Worlds On Small Screens: Rebecca Fisher Discusses “Robin Of Sherwood”
6. Some Very Good News For Daughter Of Blood
8. Last Gasp On Daughter Of Blood
9. The Sir Julius Vogel Award 2014 For Services To Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror
10. The Edit: What It Looks Like
Of these Top 10 posts, the first, Sneak Preview: A Synopsis Of Daughter Of Blood was by far and away the big hitter. When added together with 3 (O Frabjous Day), 6 (Some Very Good News… ), 7 (The Tao Of Writing…), 8 (Last Gasp…), and 10 (The Edit…), the arrows of evidence are clear. You really want to know about Daughter Of Blood, The Wall Of Night Book Three.
You also really enjoy Rebecca Fisher’s Big Worlds On Small Screens column, with two posts, 2 (Gargoyles) and 5 (Robin Of Sherwood) in the Top 5 most-read posts for the year. And in fact the 11th most-read post was Rebecca’s discussion of Orphan Black — testament to the popularity of this column, which Rebecca has kept going every fortnight for 18 months.
Reflecting the more diverse interests of past years in wider genre discussion and awards, 4 (Literary vs Genre, Seriously?) and 9 (The Sir Julius Vogel Award For Services to SFF) both attracted considerable reader interest.
So thank you for following “…on Anything, Really” and your support for both myself and Rebecca.