The Sound Of Water
I’ve been posting photos from my recent road trip recently and Kristen B’s comment on “About That Road Trip, Then…” caught my imagination.
“Oh,” Kristen observed, “but the sound of waves is magical anywhere!”
Indeed it is — and I immediately thought about how the sound of water, whether waves on a shore, the splash of a fountain or babble of a stream might appear in my books.
So, thanks to Kristen, here’s a selection to share with you today. 🙂
“The wind had died away again, and there was no sound of pursuit, only the silence of stone and the soft, steady drip of water. Sigismund groaned and rolled onto his hands and knees, then rose, still cautiously, to his feet. There must, he thought, be light coming from somewhere, because he could make out rough-hewn walls and a low, rocky roof…”
From The Heir Of Night:
“He sent Malian and Kalan to look for water instead, and they followed their ears to a small stream that purled its way down the hillside through a series of stone channels. One of these diverted water into a square tank, which was also faced with stone. The water in the tank was deep, but not murky, with only a few leaves floating on its surface…”
From The Gathering Of The Lost:
“It was very quiet after they left, with just the drip, drip, drip from the eaves and the rattle of rainwater in the guttering. Raven and his companions finished their ale and left, too, without saying anything about the incident. Carick pretended to read his book.”
But it’s not until Daughter of Blood that we encounter the sound of the sea:
From Daughter Of Blood (forthcoming):
“The fog began to blow apart, although there was no breath of wind, the [dream] dissipating into the gentle slap of water, a creak of rigging, and the smell of salt and tar. A shadow loomed through the whiteness as a gull mewed nearby, disturbed perhaps by the coming dawn.”
Just another of those wee sneak preview (but strictly no spoilers) — stepping stones across the intervening months until publication…
lovely, lovely, water
“I know.”:)
It’s because of lines like these that I fell in love with your stories and universe. They really make the place and the moods feel real.
Also, what a lovely surprise to get a little something from the next book!
Thank you so much for that lovely feedback, Helene, I am so glad you are enjoying the books. 🙂
The sound of water makes me happy everywhere … in real life and in books! Glad you were inspired.
Me, too, Kristen. Glad ýou like.:)