Calendar Love
One of the things I love about New Year is breaking out the new calendars–and this year I have three:
The NZ House & Garden calendar for the kitchen, a small calendar with NZ ‘golden age of travel’ posters for the living room, and the “World According to Curly Girl” for the study.
Plus the ubiquitous black diary, of course — all the pages “mostly” still blank.
But am sure that will change: it usually does, pretty quick-smart once everything opens up gain in the new year. 🙂
How about you — are you a calendar person? Or not?
Yes. At work I go utilitarian, but at home, I always have a wall calendar.
I’ve contemplated having a printer make a calendar of my own photos but haven’t pulled that trigger.
Yes, the black diary–v utilitarian but also extremely useful/practical–is for work, the others are for fun. With regards the photos calendar, a friend sent me a calendar of her photos from our road trip a few years back and it was wonderful. Needless to say I did not throw it away once its span of 18 months ended.:)
Yes. I have 3 calendars hanging on the wall of various rooms, and 1 at work. It is all for practical reasons. Plus I rarely remember the date unless I refer to a calendar.
And so important not to have to leave the room to check… 😉