Deleted Scenes — aka The Author’s Cut
With Daughter of Blood almost upon us — the final, official version — I can’t help reflecting a little on deleted scenes, of which there are quite a few.
So waddya reckon, should I share some of them with you here?
I really think I could… But should I?
What do you think, dear readers?
Shall we only stick with the final, official version, or would you like a taste of what didna make the author’s cut*?
I shall eagerly await your wise guidance. 😉
*Because this is material that was ruthlessly discarded long before even my beta readers or my editor got to see it.
yes…and to explore the sausage making…WHY was it cut, too.
“I know”–why does no on ever leave in the sausage making scene? Don’t they get just how important sausage making is to readers?
Of course we (I) think you should share them with us! Can’t wait for the published book!
I think I shall… 🙂 Thanks, Tim!
Yes please!
Ah, the Count has spoken–and I believe I am detecting a consensus for deleted scenes.
Yes, please! Are you not saving them for The Chaos Gate? I’m also curious to find out why you wanted to cut those scenes.
No, this is definitely material written for Daughter of Blood that never made the final cut, but most if not all of which has now been overtaken by events in the latter stages of DAUGHTER, so wouldn’t fit well in GATE at all.
Yes – Please. A peek at some deleted scenes can be very enlightening to the story as a whole.
Given the interest, I had thought I might start them sooner, but this week is looking fairly busy… 😉
So I am now hoping to start them from next week.