Here At Last: Let’s Welcome “Daughter Of Blood”
It’s been a long time coming and you’ve all — mostly 😉 — been very patient, but now, finally, we’ve reached Release Day.
My friends, Daughter Of Blood is now out there in the wild and available to read.
So let the celebrations begin!
First Up — The Giveaway (Fully International):
To properly launch and celebrate DAUGHTER I shall be giving away two x complete sets of my novels — signed and with personal dedications, of course:
Thornspell (standalone; Kids/YA)
The Wall OF Night series:
Book One: The Heir of Night
Book Two: The Gathering Of The Lost
Book Three: Daughter Of Blood
And Then There’s The “Tuckerization”
Tuckerization is when a real-life person gives their name to a character in a work of fiction. This has become a “tradition” for The Wall of Night series, i.e. with every book launch I’ve given away one Tuckerization opportunity for a character in the next book in the series.
Jan Butterworth (NZ) won the first Tuckerization draw and gave her name to a character in The Gathering of the Lost.
Cheryl Graham (UK) won the second draw and her character in Daughter Of Blood will be unveiled here on Thursday 28 (NZ time) — although some of you early birds may already have met the character by then. 😉
So here’s how this gig will work, to find my Tuckerization character for The Chaos Gate, (The Wall Of Night Book Four.)
AKA, Here Are The Rules:
Owing to the blog outage on Daughter Of Blood release day —
see the extended competition details here
Everyone who comments on both/either Tuesday 26 (USA/Canada and UK Release) or Wednesday 27 (Australia/New Zealand Release) January, will go in the Tuckerization draw.
Provisos include:
- Only 1 comment per every distinct blog post I publish here on Tuesday 26 (from midnight, NZ time) and/or Wednesday 27 January (through to midnight, US Eastern Standard Time) will count as an eligible entry. This means you get 1 x additional chance to enter with each new post over those days. (There should be at least three posts.)
- The successful name must be the real name of the commenter, not a pseudonym;
- The person whose name is drawn will also be recognised in the Acknowledgments to The Chaos Gate and receive a signed, complimentary copy of that book;
- I reserve the right to adapt the winning name to best fit a fantasy character, e.g. “John the Miller” as opposed to “John Miller.” (On Thursday you will see how I did this with “Cheryl Graham.”)
- I cannot predetermine how the “Your Name” character will appear in the story and whether he/she will play a positive or negative role;
- Anyone may enter, regardless of whether I know them or not, but to ensure everything is completely fair, transparent, and above board:
- Each eligible entry will be allocated a number and the draw made via Random.Org; and
- I’ll get someone else to actually make the draw.
- If the winner does not contact me by Sunday 31 January (midnight, US Eastern Standard Time), I will re-draw — so don’t forget to check back to see if you’ve won!
Now If You’re New To The Wall Of Night Series:
Don’t forget that you can read the first three chapters of Daughter Of Blood via the following links, to decide whether it might be your ‘thing’ or not:
Chapter 1: Lady Mouse
Chapter 2: The Serpent Prince
Also Happening Today:
Other events include:
–an interview with the wonderful Sharon Stogner on genre site ismellsheep, where she will also be giving away a copy of The Heir of Night (to US readers only, though, I’m sorry.)
a guest post on SF Signal, on Writing Heroines in Daughter Of Blood and The Wall of Night series
— an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit Fantasy
But in the meantime, let’s party here! 😉
Going to London in 9 days! What’s on my my ‘To Do’ List? Why, buying “Daughter of Blood” of course. Can’t wait to read it!
Enjoy London & DAUGHTER! 🙂
Yay, Happy release day at last!
(This feels a bit like deja vu… 🙂 )
But in the best way!
I have been looking forward to this release for months. I have just finished reading the book for the first time and it was well worth the wait.
Wow–that was very powerful reading, John–but am so glad it was worth the wait!
Glad the Daughter is finally here. Enjoy the publication fun. 😀
Congratulations on the release of Daughter of Blood – I’m really looking forward to reading it!
Email today “book is dispatched”
Trying to savoir reading Gathering to eeeeek it out. LOL
in other news I have (as you can)finally got onto the blog posts. With some difficulty keep getting database error, so I tried not using the links but going to just the basic blog address. cheers
Hi Jacqui–yes, there appears to have been a technical error, which may simply have been that the site was overloaded. I’ll be posting this evening to extend the time for the giveaway and Tuckerization to make up for that.
I’ve just discovered you with pretty good timing, it seems! I’d be absolutely stoked to get my hands on the full series read! 😀
Welcome Daughter of Blood!!! so excited to get reading this next adventure…. well done Helen!!
Yippee!! Downloaded the e-book this morning, read three chapters, then had to go to work. Came home, kept on reading…. Hope I make it to work tomorrow morning!
I look forward to reading The Daughter of Blood.
All the best for the launch of the 3rd book of the series.
Congratulations on the release of Daughter of Blood. The book is well worth the wait.
Thank you for all the congratulations and best wishes everyone. I hope you all enjoy the read. 🙂