A Geography Of Haarth: Brave Hold
The A Geography of Haarth post series explores the full range of locales and places from The Wall Of Night world of Haarth.
From January 25, 2013 to November 25, 2014, the posts traversed locations encountered in The Heir Of Night and The Gathering Of The Lost.
Now the series returns to gazette the geography of Daughter Of Blood (The Wall Of Night Book Three.) The new series will include updates of previous entries as well as new listings. Today’s entry is another new location.
Brave Hold: satellite fortress of the House of Blood
‘Taly was shouting out Brave Hold’s battle cry, but the Darksworn warcries drowned her voice as Madder and the wyr hounds leapt to meet Arcolin. Nimor’s marines answered with a Sea House yell as the first rake of Arcolin’s sorcery scored Kalan’s shield—but the black spear absorbed the brunt of the assault and turned the remainder back toward the attackers.’
~ from Daughter of Blood, The Wall Of Night Book Three – Chapter 57, Spear Song
Taly is one of my favorite characters. I hope we get to continue to see her in the next book.
Taly is one of those characters who very much carved out her place in the story from the moment she was introduced—although in fact her entry into WALL occurred in the very early stages of “telling the story”, when that was only happening in my head, and pen and paper, keyboard and screen were still very much ‘in the future’. However, she certainly evolved significantly after the storytelling progressed into the latter phase and I feel exemplifies the “fidelity” that is a quality of the Derai at their best, as well as the “our world” notion of “courage under fire.” But perhaps we should give the last word on Taly to Mistress Ise:
“She was always a good girl. Old Blood to the core…” 🙂