About The Characters: Meet The Minor Players In “The Wall Of Night” Series — Meet Koris
The About The Characters post series focuses on the minor characters in The Wall Of Night series, in large part because:
“I think it’s the presence of the smaller characters that “makes” a story, creating texture around the main points of view.”
~ from my Legend Award Finalist's Interview, 2013
Initially, the series focused exclusively on characters from The Heir of Night, but now I’m continuing on with minor characters from both The Gathering Of The Lost and Daughter of Blood — in alphabetical order, of course!
At present, we’re still very much in Daughter of Blood territory, and yes, still hanging in there with “K.” Today’s minor character, Koris, is one of those currently returning in WALL #4 (working title: The Chaos Gate) — just btw. 😉
Koris: a marine in the escort of Lord Nimor, Sea House envoy to the Houses of Blood and Night
The plain remained a blank, even the near-distance opaque with haze. The hounds were alert, although Kalan still retained doubts over their reliability. They’ve brought me this far, he thought—and turned at the first ring of hooves against stone to find Tehan and two of her fellow marines, Koris and Tymar, accompanying Aarion. “By Lord Nimor’s order,” Tehan said.
~ from © Daughter of Blood, The Wall of Night Book Three: Chapter 42 — The Empty Plain
love how you have given a unique personality to each and every minor character too, there are soo many and yet you have managed to write each and every one of them so well. waiting for the next and getting impatient for the next book. Wall of night book 4, when will you arrive?
Hey, Mansi. 🙂 When, indeed? I fear the Muses may require more propitiation…
But if you’ve missed it, you may find this post repays a read: http://helenlowe.info/blog/2020/04/20/reflections-on-writing-the-long-form-wall4-progress/
And I post Inside the Writing life reflections as well as progress updates under About What I’m Doing.