New On Supernatural Underground Now: Bands-of-Brothers in “The Heir of Night”
So-o, throughout my posting year-to-date on Supernatural Underground, I’ve been featuring the “band of brothers” in Fantasy fiction.
So far, I’ve talked bands of brothers — and sisters — and how they lie at the heart of the Fantasy genre, as well as scooby gangs, the much-loved bromance, and sister acts. Recently, I also honed in on when brotherhoods and bromances go bad, as well as sharing a few more books that feature the trope.
Now I’ve decided it’s time to check out how these various aspects of the theme appear in The Wall Of Night series, starting with (yep, you’ve guessed it!) The Heir of Night.
Heir being first in the series, and the opening story, and all that jazz. 😀
So if you’re interested to find out more about the “band of brothers” as it features (or doesn’t) in The Heir of Night, then hie thee to the Supernatural Underground and read on. (Handy link provided immediately below for a “click and read” experience. :D)