The Top 25 SF Signal Posts For May: I Make The Cut!
I was thrilled to receive an email from John De Nardo of SF Signal yesterday, advising that last month’s feature post on Dianora Di Certando—from Guy Gavriel Kay’s novel, Tigana—was one of the Signal’s Top 25 posts for May: w00t!
And although I’m not taking way from my own role in having written the article, I do think a great deal of the credit must go to Guy Gavriel Kay for having penned so memorable a character as Dianora, in such a compelling and enduring book as Tigana.
You can check out the Top 25 posts here:
The Top 25 SF Signal Posts For May
And read, or re-read, the Dianora post, here:
Helen Lowe On Fantasy Heroines That Rock Her World: Dianora Di Certando
Looking back, I realise it’s not the first time I’ve made the SF Signal Top 25. It has happened once before, way back in January 2012, for the post:
Do We Need To Make Epic Fantasy New?
As I said then, and would still echo now: “doin’ alright” for a gal from the far side of the world! 😉