“A Book Is A Dream…”
“A book is a dream you hold in your hand.” ~ Neil Gaiman
Wonderful quote, neh?
And on that got me thinking about another wonderful quote , which followers here will know is one of my favourites:
“Think of this – that the writer wrote alone, and the reader read alone, and they were alone with each other.” ~ A.S. Byatt
So if Neil Gaiman is right and a book is a dream, and AS Byatt is also correct, then a book is a shared dream between writer and reader — but which each may nonetheless experience in both similar and different ways.
Which just goes to show that there may be a touch of magic left in this world of ours, after all…
For those of you on the watch for 58:Eridani it will post either later today or tomorrow—with apologies for the element of uncertainty.