Around and About on T’Interwebs, aka What’s Happening This Week
Coming up later this week, Thursday 14 US EST, which means Friday 15 here in the southern hemisphere, I have a guest post featuring as part of Fantasy Cafe’s “Women in SF&F Month” — which has been running now since 2012.
To read the intro for this year’s post series, click on:
Introducing Women in SF&F Month 2016
You can also check out last week’s programme and this week’s schedule of guest and posts, here:
Women in SF&F Month: Week 2
But I’ll link here and via twitter when the post is live.
Also happening on Supernatural Underground: Five Super Super-heroines
Yep, this was my fun post for the weekend over on Supernatural Underground. To find out my five super-heroines, all from a version of the silver screen, click on:
It’s Superheroine Time on Supernatural Underground: Here Are 5 We Heart!
But I only went with five and already a couple of commenters have suggested more.
So please do add to the roll of honour via the comments — I’d love to hear your favourite superheroine. 😉