The Week of the Interview: A Twitter Q&A with Kim Falconer Tomorrow!
Just a headsup — ICYMI 😉 — that tomorrow (or later today for most of you in the northern hemisphere!) I’ll be on Twitter and interviewing Kim Falconer about her new-out urban fantasy novel, The Blood In the Beginning.
Although I have a few questions prepared, Kim and I would love it if you chip in with any of your own, or just generally contribute to the conversation.
Stay tuned to #thebloodinthebeginning for the tweet-up action!
Meanwhile, here are the details again:
Wednesday 6 July, NZ/Australian time; Tuesday 5, USA/Canada/UK et al
NZ: 11.00 am
Australia EST: 9 am
US EST: 7 pm (Tuesday 5)
(That’s NZ for me, Australia for Kim, & the US for the Supernatural Underground, since Kim and I are both part of the SU community. )
On Twitter!
How To Find Us:
I will be asking questions from @helenl0we
Kim will be answering on @KimFalconer
BUT you don’t have to be on Twitter yourself to find us because we will be using a Twitter hashtag:
So just click (or search) on #thebloodinthebeginning, click again on “Live”, and you will be up with the play!
How To Participate:
However, you will have to be on Twitter to chip in with your own question for Kim, or contribute a comment.
We’d love it if you do — but are equally happy if you prefer to just follow the hashtag.