New Books! New Books!
Sometimes, reader-Helen chugs along quietly for months, working her way through the TBR table — and then, suddenly, there’ll be an inrush of new books.
Last week was one of those weeks and here’s what the “new books, new books” fairy bought me:
The Curious Story of Harris and His Near Death Experience by Christchurch poet and artist, Nick Williamson.
Described as “a children’s book for adults”, it certainly appears intriguing. I hope to enjoy a mini-Q&A about it with Nick sometime in the near future.
I met Marisa at the recent National Writers’ Forum and and learned that she had recently completed a novel set in post-earthquake Christchurch, hence the title. The tagline is, “After the natural disaster comes the manmade tragedy.”
As far as I know little fiction has yet been written about the 2010-11 earthquakes and their aftermath, and it is always challenging to fictionalise events one is close to, so this should be an interesting read — although being very much in aftermath mode still, I am not sure whether I am up to reading about it for entertainment yet!
Lee Murray is a friend and fellow member of SpecFicNZ and I discussed her junior novel, Battle of the Birds, here in 2013. More recently Lee has focused on writing Horror for adults and Into the Mist was published this year. It already has a significant number of reviews on Amazon, over that magic 50 mark that I discussed recently, with an overall 4.4 rating, which is pretty impressive.
Needless to say, the TBR table is groaning — but I do not say that like it is a bad thing. 😉