About The Characters: Meet The Minor Players in “The Wall Of Night” Series — Audin Sondargent
This year, I’ve resumed my “About the Characters” post series that focuses on the minor characters in The Wall Of Night series — because “I think it’s the presence of the smaller characters that “makes” a story, creating texture around the main points of view.”
Initially, the series focused exclusively on characters from The Heir of Night, but now I’m continuing on with minor characters from both The Gathering Of The Lost and Daughter of Blood simultaneously — in alphabetical order, of course! (The quotes will be the key to whether the character appears in both or only one of the books.)
Audin Sondargent: a young Emerian knight, nephew to the Duke of Emer
Audin looked from one to the other as the captain strode away. His smile was pleasant, although his gaze, too, was measuring. “We had best be on our way if we are to reach Normarch before midnight. Although we should have good light once the moon rises, since it’s near full. Come with me, Maister Carick, and we’ll get you that horse.”
“Just Carick will do,” said Carick, limping after him. He had stiffened badly while they talked.
“Carick, then,” said Audin, with a quick smile. “Oi, Hamar! Bring out Mallow for Carick here. And bring your own horse with her. You, too, Raher. We are to escort our friends here back to Normarch.”
~ from © The Gathering Of The Lost: The Wall of Night Book Two, Chapter 12 — Nightfall
The only weapon [Kalan] would not trade was the dagger that Lord Falk had given him, on the first anniversary of his arrival at Normarch. It was a fine weapon, with a blade of damascened Ishnapuri steel, a ball of Winter Country amber for a pommel, and Lord Falk’s own red fox device stamped into the scabbard. Along with the oak-tree buckle Audin had given Kalan for his last birthday, and the yellow tourney favor bearing Ghiselaine of Ormond’s lily insignia, the dagger lay at the bottom of his travel roll. All three were wrapped into waterproof cloth and stitched closed—underlining that the Emerian life, like Kalan’s armor, belonged in the past.
~ from © Daughter Of Blood: The Wall of Night Book Three, Chapter 5 — Blood Warrior