About The Characters: Meet The Minor Players In “The Wall Of Night” Series — Meet Dame Nelys
In 2017, I resumed my “About the Characters” post series that focuses on the minor characters in The Wall Of Night series, because :
“I think it’s the presence of the smaller characters that “makes” a story, creating texture around the main points of view.”
~ from my Legend Award Finalist's Interview, 2013
Initially, the series focused exclusively on characters from The Heir of Night, but now I’m continuing on with minor characters from both The Gathering Of The Lost and Daughter of Blood simultaneously — in alphabetical order, of course!
(The quotes, together with the covers, indicate whether the character appears in both or only one of the books—although at present we’re having a run on single entries!)
Dame Nelys: chaperone of the Girls’ Dorter, at Normarch in Emer
“The peace lasted until he walked through the castle gate and noticed visible tension in the guards on duty. By the time he reached the hall, he could hear a woman’s flurried, anxious voice. Dame Nelys, he thought, stepping inside, and saw the chaperone…standing with Erron and Raven. She looked as though she might faint at any moment, while the handful of younger damosels in the background appeared frightened and excited at the same time. “I can’t understand it,” the Dame said, twisting her hands together. “I had no idea of this, none at all.” “
~ from © The Gathering Of The Lost: The Wall of Night Book Two, Chapter 18 — Vigil