Reveals and Reflection
I haven’t forgotten that I promised to report back to you on some of those new-to-me, but otherwise older books that I’ve read recently, or to repost material from the backlist – and those posts are in the pipeline. 🙂
For today, however, although I’m mindful that it’s only two weeks since I let you know that Malian had reached the chaos gate (which provides the working title for WALL #4), I thought you might like to know that this past week I’ve been working on what is probably “the” big series reveal.
Or as fans of the Piggitty-Wiggitty series of children’s books might put it, the “biggitty-biggest” of series reveals. Although to be fair, this is the part of the book and series that is all about reveals and completion, so the “biggitty-biggest” title may yet go to another sequence.
In the meantime, though, it’s always good to share that the story is rocking on – although it’s also a long weekend here, so I’ve downed tools for the greater majority of that time. Interestingly, though, downing the pen and keyboard has also provided the opportunity for reflection in terms of refining some of the narrative action and character interaction. All of which seizes the pause to bubble to the surface.
Just to make the case for downtime, holidays, and long weekends. 🙂