About The Characters: Meet The Minor Players In “The Wall Of Night” Series — Meet Linnet

The About The Characters post series focuses on the minor characters in The Wall Of Night series, in large part because:
“I think it’s the presence of the smaller characters that “makes” a story, creating texture around the main points of view.”
~ from my Legend Award Finalist's Interview, 2013
Initially, the series focused exclusively on characters from The Heir of Night, but now I’m continuing on with minor characters from both The Gathering Of The Lost and Daughter of Blood — in alphabetical order, by name, of course!
Currently, we’re traversing the plains of “L” – which are proving vasty expanses indeed. 😉

Linnet: kinswoman and companion to Ghiselaine, Countess of Ormond, in the southern realm of Emer.
“…the young woman beside her held up a hand, as if to ward off a blow. “A jest, that is all, Alianor.” Her speech was languorous, almost a drawl, and her gaze a little sleepy. Carick thought she looked a lot like Ghiselaine, although her hair was fairer and the sleepy eyes blue. “We’re all longing to hear the tale firsthand, both your part, Maister Carick, and Ser Raven’s too, of course.” She glanced at them from beneath downcast lashes, smiling when Carick flushed. He thought Raven looked amused, but his rescue came from another quarter.
“No games, Linnet,” said Ghiselaine…”
~ from © The Gathering of The Lost, The Wall Of Night Book Two – Chapter 13, Normarch