Kinda Busy…
…for the best reason, which is that I’m pressing to complete the current section-in-progress for WALL #4 by the end of the week, and I need to keep my nose to the writing grindstone.
By my reckoning, I have one more chapter to write. Earlier, I went over the “entry vector”, i.e. the preceding sequences from the POV character’s perspective, to ensure everything lines up — and so far, it’s reading pretty well. Fingers crossed the positives may continue and the writing go smoothly!
There’s not a great deal of downtime, but I’m using it to read through those 28 posts on worldbuilding, as per Monday’s post. When it comes to priorities, though, it’s the writing and WALL #4 all the way!
Although I did allow myself to be diverted temporarily when I discovered a wasp nest on the porch, the diversion taking the form of calling pest control immediately. All is well now, however, and my focus back on the writing. 🙂
On which note, time to get back to it!