About The Characters: Meet The Minor Players In “The Wall Of Night” Series — Meet Nherenor
The About The Characters post series focuses on the minor characters in The Wall Of Night series, in large part because:
“I think it’s the presence of the smaller characters that “makes” a story, creating texture around the main points of view.”
~ from my Legend Award Finalist’s Interview, 2013
Initially, the series focused exclusively on characters from The Heir of Night, but now I’m continuing on with minor characters from both The Gathering Of The Lost and Daughter of Blood — in alphabetical order, by name, of course!
Currently we’re traversing “N”, and today’s character, Nherenor, is another of those whose page time may be “minor”, but is outweighed by his influence within the story — which makes me wonder whether I should have had a Between category as well. In the interests of simplicity, however, I shall continue to allow “minor” broad boundaries and include Nherenor here today. 😀
Nherenor: Ilkerineth’s son, a Swarm envoy to Emer
The air around the dark watcher bent, the shadows billowing outward again—and a human form emerged, stepping away from the smoky swirl of darkness and folding what looked like a cloak across his arm. Nherenor, Malian thought, recognizing him from the audience with the Duke—and could have laughed out loud for the sheer surprise of the shadow cloak. They were in all the stories, but until you saw the transformation take place … And it explained how Nherenor had blended into the light as he passed the torch above the castle courtyard.
~ from © The Gathering of the Lost, The Wall Of Night Book Two – Chapter 37, Adept
Malian frowned, recalling that misty dawn in Caer Argent and the Sworn youth laughing as he leapt to confront her. “Did you know Nherenor was Ilkerineth’s son?”
Raven nodded. “Nindorith’s presence in Caer Argent, and before that outside Tenneward Lodge, meant Ilkerineth had a hand in the game. When I saw the Lightning knights with their young lord at the tourney ground, I guessed the rest.”
Malian tilted her face to the sun, still thinking of Nherenor as she had last seen him…
~ from © Daughter of Blood, The Wall Of Night Book Three – Chapter 18, The Wayhouse