Around The Traps
As I am putting the final touches on the copyedited manuscript of The Gathering of the Lost today, prior to sending the last few pages off, I thought I’d point you to a few fun things happening around other blogs:
Mary Victoria, author of Tymon’s Flight and Samiha’s Song, with Oracle’s Fire, the third in her Chronicles of the Tree series forthcoming in October, has a great series running at the moment—an illuminated dictionary of the world of the Tree! Today the series is up to “D for Dirigible”, but I am putting the link to the post where Mary introduces the series, here (And you can just click forward from there to each of the entries.)
For those who love paranormal romance, Nalini Singh is celebrating the release of a new book, Archangel’s Blade on her blog today. You can check out the post here.
And over on the Supernatural Underground Amanda Arista has posted about the literary influences on her own writing and the origins of her own Diaries of an Urban Panther. It’s a great post and you can check it out here.
Tim Jones has the itinerary for the tour to promote his new poetry collection, Men BrieflyExplained (isn’t that a great title?), available on his blog here. I have already seen a few of the poems and I think this is going to be a great book—and a great series of launch events.
Over on SFSignal they have a great feature on “SFF Art: A Few Words on a Thousand Pictures”—definitely worth a read! (As is their whole site, in fact.)
And recently, Jan Butterworth from SFFANZ sent me through this interesting link to a post by French SFF writer Aliette de Bodard “On the Prevalence of US Tropes in Storytelling”—I am not sure I am convinced that all the examples she cites are such exclusively US tropes, but I would love to know what you think.
(Btw, Aliette de Bodard‘s “The Jaguar House, in Shadow”, Asimov’s, July 2010, was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novelette this year.)
Great links thanks Helen.
Glad you enjoyed, Jacqui. All fun stuff. 🙂
Thanks Helen! And yay for approaching the end of the Edit Marathon!
You’re welcome! And the great C/E is all done now–but mind you, I think I am as well!
I read Aliette de Bodard’s Hugo nominated novelette and thought it was a good story. Thanks for the link to her article. It is really worth reading.
I enjoyed “Jaguar House”, too, June—one of the more interesting offerings, imo.
The comments are worth a read too.
Sometimes the comments are the most interesting part, although overall I thought the comments were in accord with the general direction of the original post.