Where We’re At With The Blog Tour
It’s Monday—and time for a quick update on the Blog Tour to celebrate publication of The Gathering of the Lost, The Wall of Night Book Two, in the USA, UK, Australia and New Zealand.
Last week’s stops on the tour were:
* an interview with US entertainment site ismellsheep here; and
* a guest post at The Shared Desk with steampunk authors Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris, here
- my interview of Australian FSF author, Ian Irvine, about his new book Vengeance, on the Orbit blog, here; and
- a radio interview with crime author, interviewer and reviewer, Vanda Symon, while I was in Dunedin—although it will not air until May.
Also not airing until May is an extended interview based on my Skype Q&A with Nalini Hayne of Australia’s Dark Matter fanzine.
And coming up this week on the Tour:
an interview with a difference! This one is not with me—instead my friend and fellow author, Kim Falconer, is going to be interviewing Malian later today (April 16, but US time) on the Supernatural Underground: all very exciting!
And I shall also be doing a Q&A with John R Fultz, fellow lover of epic fantasy and author of Seven Princes, later in the week.
- And I believe Ian Irvine’s reciprocal interview with me may be appearing on the Orbit blog around Tuesday (UK time)—a space to watch.
Plus, plus, plus—there is more:
Just to tantalise you there’s an as-yet-under-wraps gig for the Tour still being out together … All I can tell you right now is that it’s very exciting indeed from my point of view, but again, watch this space: I will bring you more news here as soon as I can.