She Writes The Night! — A Great Indepth Interview with John R Fultz
The current stop on the Blog Tour–which is nearing it’s end by the way, but there are still a few more great stops to go—is with fellow Orbit and epic fantasy author, John R Fultz.
You may recall that I interviewed John here in February about his debut novel, Seven Princes—a big rambunctious book in every sense of the word. (I suspect that one thing John and I have in common, besides a general love of epic fantasy, is that we both love rambunctious stories! 😀 ) You can read my interview with John, here.
Now John has reciprocated with an invitation to stop in at Virtual Sanctuary on the great The Gathering of the Lost Blog Tour — and he has put together a great interview where we talk about what makes a big book, my writing style and writing strong women, amongst other topics!
One of these is music and I detect that John is very much a music lover—as evidenced by his interview title, “She Writes the Night” is “…an homage to the Danzig song “She Rides”, which features the refrain “She rides the night…” Cool, huh — Malian now has a theme song!
So without further ado—“She Writes the Night” my interview with the great John R Fultz, here.
And you can check out Danzig and ‘She Rides The Night’ on YouTube, here