Here’s SpecFicNZ Wellington — Introducing More Comrades in Speculative Fiction
Earlier in the year I ran a series titled “Here’s SpecFicNZ-Christchurch”, in which I featured fellow Christchurch members of SpecFicNZ.
SpecFicNZ, you may recall, is the “national association for creators, writers and editors of speculative fiction in or from New Zealand” — in other words, there are a lot more fun and interesting folk to meet from around the country. Accordingly, I thought it was time to pop over to the North Island and meet a few of the SpecFicNZ-ers from the capital. 🙂 (Wellington, for those who may not know.)
So from next Thursday I’ll be bringing you “Here’s SpecFicNZ-Wellington”, a post series in which Wellington members will have the opportunity to introduce themselves using a series of headings:
- Here’s Who: a short, first person introduction to the member
- Here’s Why: the member writes or publishes speculative fiction, as opposed to any other genre
- Here’s What: an example of the member’s work
- Here’s Where: you can find out more about the member and their work
I am really looking forward to it and hope you will enjoy it as much as I will.
I would also like to thank Darusha Wehm of the SpecFicNZ committee for making the series happen.
Until next Thursday then… 😉